If I were Satan,
I’d keep you questioning even the simplest of God’s commands.
Just as I did with Eve in the garden.
I’d whisper, ‘Has God indeed said?’
Planting doubt, I’d make you second guess His Word.
If I were Satan,
I’d ensure children’s books and shows teach that the earth is billions of years old.
I’d plant a seed that subtly discredits Genesis 1.
If your children doubt the first chapter of the Bible, it’s easier to doubt the rest.
If I were Satan,
I’d be fine with churches on every street corner.
I’d let people scratch their religious itch.
Feel good about attending services.
But I’d make sure those churches taught something other than the Truth.
More churches mean more confusion.
If I were Satan,
I’d promote the idea that “one church is as good as another.”
I’d teach that any church will get you to heaven.
That doctrine doesn’t matter.
If I were Satan,
I’d convince everyone that divorce is acceptable for any reason.
I’d tug on heartstrings and whisper, “Everyone deserves to be happy.”
Marriage would no longer be a lifelong covenant, but a contract of convenience.
If I were Satan,
I’d provide endless entertainment—
something always to watch, to read, to scroll.
I’d keep you so entertained you’d never have time to reflect on sin or mortality.
If I were Satan,
I’d create platforms for everyone to connect and socialize.
I’d control the algorithms.
Showing you examples of sin so often, it starts to feel normal.
If I were Satan,
I’d create chaos in politics and media.
Make you think society is always on the brink of collapse.
I’d want you to feel hopeless.
So you give up on making things better or sharing the Gospel.
If I were Satan,
I’d make an example out of the few who speak freely.
I’d make you think that if you dare speak the truth, you’ll be canceled.
I’d put so much pressure on you that you’d self-censor.
Staying silent when you should stand for what’s right.
If I were Satan,
I’d teach that truth is whatever you want it to be.
No absolutes, just personal truths.
That way, you could twist Scripture to fit your desires.
Ignore the parts you don’t like.
If I were Satan,
I’d teach that all you need to do to be saved is believe.
Ignoring verses about repentance and baptism.
I’d call baptism a “nice symbol” but not really necessary.
The fewer who obey God’s commands, the better for me.
If I were Satan,
I’d convince Christians that tolerance is the highest virtue.
That they should accept everyone.
That they should have tolerance for sin.
If I were Satan,
I’d lead people to believe being a good person is enough to earn God’s favor.
No need for the cross, no need for repentance.
Just be nice.
Do good deeds.
If I were Satan,
I’d cluster people in cities.
Surround them with noise and lights -
So they couldn’t see the stars or God’s vast creation.
I’d make them feel like they are the center of the world—important and self-sufficient.
Instead of small and humbled before the greatness of God.
If I were Satan,
I’d attack the family structure.
I’d promote single-parent households.
Drive wedges between husbands and wives.
Make biblical submission seem outdated and oppressive.
If I were Satan,
I’d attack strong New Testament churches from the top down.
I’d make sure unqualified men became elders and deacons.
And I’d make the members believe they must submit to those men no matter what.
If I were Satan,
I’d teach that the purpose of life -
is to “follow your heart” and “live your truth.”
Self would become the center.
Pushing God’s commands to the side.
If I were Satan,
I’d make sure Christians were always busy.
Their lives filled with work and activities.
So they’d have no time to pray.
No time to read the Bible.
No time to grow spiritually.
If I were Satan,
I’d encourage church leaders to twist Scripture.
Cherry-pick verses.
Preach half-truths that sound good.
If I were Satan,
I’d make people feel invincible—
death is far off, nothing to worry about.
So they’d procrastinate a relationship with God until it’s too late.
If I were Satan,
I’d redefine love.
Love would become blind affirmation.
Not the Biblical model.
That sometimes requires correction.
If I were Satan,
I’d normalize sin.
Through media, politics, and culture.
I’d erode the shock of immorality.
Turning what was once sinful into something celebrated.
Subtle, slow,
I’d lead you away—
Not with lies too bold.
But with half-truths, distractions.
Shifting sands beneath your feet.
I wouldn’t need you to bow to me.
Or worship in my name.
I’d just need you to forget.
Forget to follow Him.
Never forget that Satan is cunning (Genesis 3:1). Lying is his native language, and he is the father of lies (John 8:44). He twists even Scripture to deceive (Matthew 4:6), and his goal is to lead you astray so you join him in Hell (Revelation 20:10). Remember, our fight is not against people but against spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12).
What do you think? If you were Satan, how would you attack? What do you believe are his most powerful tools? Reply directly to this email—I may feature your thoughts in Part 2.
Great thoughts my brother!
2 Corinthians 11:13-15-For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.